Savitribai Phule Pune University has started Lokshahir Annabhau Sathe Arthasahayya Yojana Scholarship for needy students from economically weaker sections. Under this scheme, scholarships of Rs. 3,000 will be given to twenty students of non-professional degree courses and ten students of post-graduate courses.
◆ Who can apply: –
1) Savitribai Phule Pune University affiliated college / university student.
◆ Deadline: March 10, 2021
◆ How to apply: –
1) The applicant should upload the application form online at along with the required documents.
2) A student can apply for a maximum of two scholarships out of other (other than this) scholarships of the University. So initially choose two scholarship options.
◆ Important Notices: –
1) It is mandatory to apply within the given time.
2) Students who are getting the benefit of government scholarship will not be able to apply.
3) Students with less than the prescribed minimum marks and ATKT should not apply.
4) The applicant student should have an account in a nationalized bank and also own it. (Parent or relative accounts will not be considered)
5) This scholarship scheme is for one year of the academic year only and students who have availed the benefit before 2020-21 should not apply.
6) Percentage should be mentioned without mentioning the grade point given by the students.
7) Accurate and complete information is required.
◆ Documents required: –
1) Attested copy of previous mark sheet.
2) Certificate of annual income issued by Tehsildar
3) Xerox copy of bank passbook
◆Terms and Conditions-
1) Rs. 3000 / – financial assistance will be given.
2) Parental income is Rs. Not more than 250,000/-
3) At least 65% marks are required
4) Must have taken admission for regular course.
5) Must not have taken admission for vocational course.
6) Students who are getting the benefit of government scholarship should not apply.
7) 75% attendance of the student in the regular course is required
8) No paid job will be accepted during this period
9) The student should be a citizen of the country. Attested copy of citizenship is required for this
◆ Email:-
◆ Note: – Offline applications of any student will not be accepted
For this year when will the scholarship start i.e for 20-21
Right now you won’t able to apply to this scholarship. The deadline has been over now
For this year 2022 ,when will start application for applying scholarship